Which month is iyar
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Discipleship courses that respectfully explore the Jewish foundation of Christianity, and your Israel connection. Explore the weekly Torah portions, commentaries, and listen to Scripture readings, and get the free Torah reading schedule. A community of Messianic youth strengthening the bonds of faith through events and learning opportunities. First Fruits of Zion. Calendar Focusing on the Hebrew months, Jewish festivals, and special days which continue to influence our lives. Click here to find out more.
An email exchange between Rabbi Jacobson and the mother of a bi-polar son illuminates the concept of special children and their unique strengths. The month of Elul is a month in which the love between the divine Groom and His bride Israel is at its height. Cart Login. Search for:. Best of Both Worlds The Hebrew month of Iyar, whose 29 days fall somewhere in the months of April and May, is unique in that it combines both specialty and consistency in a single mitzvah. The special part of the body associated with the month of Iyar is the right kidney.
In the ancient Hebrew conception of the body, the kidneys are considered to have an intellectual function. The Bible says that the kidneys counsel a person. According to a midrash biblical commentary , Abraham was taught the entire Torah by his kidneys. The bodily function associated with Iyar is hirhur thinking or reflecting , which is consistent with the emphasis on meditation and intellect. All programs embody the BJE philosophy of providing intelligent and engaging classes and activities which bring Judaism to life.
After a tearful goodbye in which she received her parents' blessing, Rebecca and her nurse Deborah left her homeland and went with Eliezer to meet Isaac. It was love at first sight for both Rebecca and Isaac. Soon, Rebecca was pregnant with twins. She had a difficult pregnancy and cried out to God in pain.
God answered her directly, a privilege granted no other woman in the Hebrew Bible, with the exception perhaps, of Hagar. God told Rebecca that the twins were struggling in her womb and that the "older was destined to serve the younger," an unusual situation in those times. Years later Rebecca helps her son Jacob trick his father into giving him the blessing due his older brother so that God's words would come true.
We may not have enough information to really understand why God and Rebecca choose Jacob for leadership of the Jewish people, but Rebecca's behavior does show us that people sometimes have to make hard choices. Rebecca inspires us to rush to give freely and generously to those in need whose paths cross our own.
She reminds us that God's presence is with us even in the difficult times in our lives when we feel alone and in pain. Deborah is Rebecca's nurse. The Torah mentions this Deborah only twice - when she goes with Rebecca to live with Isaac, and when she dies and is buried. Deborah is the only servant in the Hebrew Bible whose death and burial is mentioned at all.
Perhaps this indicates that Deborah was very important and beloved to Rebecca. She spent most of her life at Rebecca's side and must have helped her through many difficult times. Deborah invites our admiration for her hard work and her devotion. She reminds us to honor and celebrate the lives and work of nurses and healthcare workers in our day. Since manna was first given in Iyar, foods that represent manna are wonderful for this month.