Dishonored when does the prologue end

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OK, so I've just done like my 4th or 5th run of the main Dishonoured campaign at this point and I was shooting to get both the Shadow and Ghost achievements in one go. I've managed to secure the Ghost accomplishment on every mission, which means I set of no alarms whatsoever, and yet when I finished the game I only unlocked the Shadow Achievement.

Yet by the criteria laid out the Ghost achievement, surely I should have this one as well. And whilst I did kill 2 guards in the first misison "Dishonoured" as well as both Daud and Granny Rags in the mission "The Flooded District" both of whom I imagine would constitute as optional kill targets, surely I should still be in the clear for this achievement right? Is this a typo in the mission description, and in fact I have to get 0 alerts AND kill no one but key targets?

Is this a bug? What am I missing here? Showing 1 - 6 of 6 comments. Ghost is a combination of Shadow and Clean Hands. The fact that you got Shadow but not Ghost simply means that you killed someone who wasn't a main target. Likely the reason you missed Ghost were the guards you killed in Mission 1. I agree the achievement should read "Complete all missions after the prologue, alerting no one and killing no one but key targets" EDIT: Killing Daud would not count against Ghost as he is a key target and I suspect that Granny also counts as a Key Target though I never tested it so the issue is that you killed the guards in Mission 1.

Last edited by rod66 ; 27 May, pm. Burrows then takes the guards with him as he leaves, stating that the Empress and Corvo should be left alone. Corvo then delivers his report to the Empress, which explains that the other nations in the Empire plan to blockade Dunwall until the rat plague has passed.

She is distressed by this news, and is therefore unaware for several minutes that the guards have vanished. Assassins suddenly appear, blinking from a nearby rooftop to the gazebo. Corvo fights them off, but is taken by surprise by a second wave and immobilized. He watches helplessly as Daud murders the Empress and the assassins vanish with Emily. In her dying moments, the Empress asks Corvo to find Emily, saying, "You're the only one who'll know what to do.

Corvo is then knocked unconscious and taken to Coldridge Prison. Dishonored Wiki Explore. Abilities Natural Abilities Supernatural Abilities. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Returning Home. History Talk 0. Do you like this video? Play Sound. Spoiler warning! Jessamine and Burrows discussing the plague, with Emily listening.


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