How do rci timeshares work
TPU, based on the variables mentioned above of Resort Quality, Season, Location and Unit Size, is the "currency" used to reserve exchanges from the pool of available exchanges.
TPU from multiple deposits may be combined to assist the timeshare owner in booking a week of greater value than their original deposit. RCI Points offers greater flexibility when booking your vacation allowing the timeshare owner to choose: location, unit size, arrival date, and length of stay.
When exchanging with RCI points, the timeshare owner can use their Points balance to exchange for weeks that have equal or less point value from the Exchange pool. The easiest way to differentiate is that RCI points values are in the tens of thousands, and TPUs are generally a fraction of that between for example. I think I understand - sort of - OK not really? Hopefully the following quick facts will help clear it up a bit more or make you even more confused! Excellent, so which one is for me?
Well this is the great question, however if you are already an owner this decision is made for you as your Timeshare Resort would already be affiliated with RCI points, or RCI weeks thus making you a participant in one or the another automatically. Frequently owners discover their resort is converting from RCI weeks to RCI points, and in most every case there is a sales pitch to all owners urging them to convert their weeks over always for a hefty fee.
We have an advice article specifically about this subject here: Read: Should I convert my Timeshare week to points In most cases, the fee charged in the thousands of dollars is not worth the conversion especially when you can currently buy additional weeks at existing RCI points timeshares for pennies on the dollar in the resale market if you truly want to go into the RCI points system and subsequently give away your existing deeded week.
RCI is a complex system for exchanges, and even folks who have been in the Timeshare Exchange world for ages still dont fully understand all of the in's and out's! Points members have access to both timeshares from other Points owners and banked weeks from other Weeks owners, from any RCI-affiliated resort in the world usually.
The more points you have in your account, the higher the quality of the timeshare unit you can exchange for. You can buy more points direct from RCI, meaning they work as a currency within the system. Your available choice of alternative resorts within that pool is limited to ones that are likely less desirable, and does not include timeshares from Points owners. This option, therefore, is less preferable than the RCI Points system. Weeks in a year are divided into different segments by exchange companies, usually signified by a colour.
Whilst a timeshare exchange programme can offer an excellent way of adding some freedom and variety to your timeshare ownership, many find themselves frustrated by the booking system. There are widespread complaints, as well as some legal cases, over a common problem of unavailability.
Even when logging into the system to book a timeshare exchange, many disappointed members find that there are no available exchanges within their trading power bracket. This means that they would have to pay more to access any timeshare exchange at all, or settle for an inferior unit, week, resort, or destination to the one which they had purchased.
Another complaint is that it is only the same resorts or destinations that are available every year, most often in the Canary Islands. This is precisely how it is sold. The best timeshare exchanges are usually booked a long time in advance, though some members report trying to book up to two years in advance or as soon as the exchanges are released, only to still be out of luck.
Unfortunately for them, however, this is rarely the case. Those with such a desirable timeshare resort are understandably unlikely to want to swap for a week in Tenerife. Though the sales pitch may lead you to believe that this kind of desirable swap is a sure thing, this is usually pretty misleading and you will find yourself somewhat limited.
Those with the best chance of benefiting from an RCI exchange programme are those who pay more for their membership, as you might expect. A red week RCI exchange holder will be able to exchange for a week of their choice and will have access to the more glamorous resorts, although it is still fair to say that they are also subject to availability. RCI has come under fire in the past , mainly due to the lack of availability issue described above.
However, some complaints have arisen in which members found that resorts were allegedly prioritising bookings to non-members in order to drive up the sales of new timeshare units at the resort. Timeshare — or shared-holiday ownership — means you purchase a specific period of time, usually a week or more, in a resort property.
Timeshare puts holiday-home ownership within the financial reach of those who would like a second home in a destination they love, but may not be able to afford to buy whole ownership — or may not want the degree of financial commitment of a second home purchase. Resorts typically offer a single week ownership and stay option, with the potential to purchase additional weeks at the same resort, or at others owned by the same developer.
Fractional-ownership properties and destination clubs usually offer longer periods of ownership over several weeks — often at upmarket properties in prime locations. Holiday ownership resorts can provide more spacious accommodation than hotels and may boast more on-site guest facilities. However, without membership of a Holiday Exchange services provider, you will not be able to swap your timeshare week for an alternative holiday elsewhere. There are currently almost 4, resorts affiliated to the RCI Holiday Exchange network in more than countries, providing an exciting range of holiday experiences.
This may not be the same week of the year each time. Points can also be redeemed on RCI Points Partner products, including car hire, airport hotels and attraction tickets. These properties often feature concierge services, personal travel services and more benefits. Use of your fractional ownership holidays is often used on a rotational basis or a mix of fixed and floating periods within a season.