How is cotton produced

The circular saws in the gin separate the fibre and the seed. This fibre is called lint and it is compressed into bales, each of which weighs about pounds. Now, the bales are taken to the textile mills where they will be converted into fabric.

While we love cotton and buy it all the time, one factor that we often overlook is whether it is organic. This is very important in determining how good the final product actually is.

Organic cotton is a sustainable, renewable and bio-degradable fibre that is ideal for eco-fashion products. However, not all cotton is organic. In fact, most of the cotton grown is not organic. Non-organic cotton contributes to environmental pollution through the use of pesticides and insecticides. It also exposes both cotton growers and consumers to toxic carcinogenic chemicals that are used during production. Organic cotton offers several benefits. Let us take a closer look at them.

To learn more about demystifying conventional and sustainable cotton farming, head to this magnificent lesson from GVK Society , with eye-opening anecdotes from the ground. Organic cotton crop does not use harmful chemicals like synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. As a result, it doesn't poison the water, soil or air, and is even beneficial to the environment.

Cotton workers on organic cotton farms are spared from health problems caused by chemicals in cotton farming. Since toxic substances are not used in the manufacturing process, the end garments are residue free. It can thus be harvested and worn by everyone, without worry of allergies, rashes or respiratory problems. Non-organic cotton, on the other hand, uses hazardous chemicals that are associated with cancer, hormone defects and birth defects in animals and humans.

Greenpeace recently studied items of clothing from major retailers including Levis and Zara and found that they contained toxic levels of chemicals - read the report here. This topic is enormous, so please do have a read of this article if you'd like to understand all the benefits of organic cotton. And if you're tired of reading, have a little watch of this:. Growers conserve beneficial insects natural enemies to pests , and manage their natural resources to help suppress pests, which is at the heart of IPM.

The use of biotechnology in cotton has made a significant contribution to the dramatic reduction in insecticides applied to Australian cotton crops.

Growers usually choose to harvest the cotton crop once most bolls have opened and fully matured. It is extremely important that cotton is dry when it is picked, or discolouration may occur and reduce quality. When mature, the crop is harvested mechanically and placed into large modules. The modules are loaded onto trucks and transported from the farm to a cotton gin. Cotton gins are factories that separate cottonseed and trash from the lint raw cotton fibre.

After ginning, the cotton lint is tightly pressed into bales. An Australian cotton bale weighs kilograms. Once the cotton bales are ginned, pressed and containerised, they are loaded onto trucks and trains and sent to ports for shipping, mostly to overseas markets. Cotton classing sorts the fibre into different quality-based grades. The better the fibre quality, the higher the grade and the more the grower is paid for the cotton. Growers rotate crops such as faba beans, chickpeas, maize and wheat , which helps to minimise pests and diseases, reduce pesticide use, retain soil moisture levels, build and maintain healthy soils, and better manage soil nutrients.

Some growers graze livestock over winter. Growers make improvements and carry out maintenance on-farm to prepare for next season. Growers also start marketing their next season's production. Growers can forward-sell crops up to three years in advance to take advantage of good prices. Cotton is harvested, compressed and sent to gins where they separate the fibers from the seeds.

The fibers are baled, purchased by mills then spun into thread. Once cotton has been spun into thread it is either exported or sent to U. Approximately 3. From here, your clothing, money, baseballs, and more are made. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Share this


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