How old is the average nurse
A separate study at another school reported an average between 36 and Some schools do release extensive demographic information about their students, including the typical age. Even the averages can be misleading, as they mask a surprising amount of diversity. Nontraditional students are often more appreciative of their educational opportunities and more serious about them. When their classmates were much younger, the nurses tended to have a rockier transition.
Those who had peers for cohorts were more likely to experience a smoother re-entry. Many nurses cite the relationships forged with other cohort members as being among the most positive experiences of the program. Another IOM recommendation involved doubling the number of nurses with a doctorate by Salary Salaries for nurses vary based on level of education, experience, role and geographic location. The demand for RNs will continue to increase. Nurses with a baccalaureate degree will be in higher demand than those without a BSN.
Employers may also prefer nurses with work experience or certification in a specialty area. Data from the U. Employment Where do nurses work? Nurses provide healthcare services in a variety of settings. The U. The medical knowledge, clinical skills, time management and problem-solving abilities of nurses can be applied to a variety of fields. Examples include: Administration and management positions — another IOM goal was the advancement of nurses as Board Members for corporations and institutions and to increase that number to 10, These latest figures add to the widespread celebration of Nurses Month underway during May Sponsored by the American Nurses Association ANA , Nurses Month is an annual event recognizing nurses for their tremendous effort and compassion, as they work collectively to improve the health of individuals, families, and communities nationwide.
With nearly 4 million nurses working in the field, the nursing profession continues to flourish. Read on to explore nursing statistics and find out why. The demographics of nurses fluctuate with time. While nursing statistics related to the general makeup of professionals have not changed, other areas show new trends.
This figure has remained unchanged in the past several data sets. Growing, though, is the increased percentage of men in the field. The number of RNs from minority backgrounds is also on the upswing. The pursuit of nursing by minorities will continue to rise, most notably within the Hispanic population, according to a study conducted by the HRSA.
As the nursing profession expands, the HRSA projects that the field will continue to diversify. Register in seconds and access exclusive features. Full access: To this and over 1 million additional datasets Save Time: Downloads allow integration with your project Valid data: Access to all sources and background information. Exclusive Corporate feature. Corporate Account. Statista Accounts: Access All Statistics.
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Further Content: You might find this interesting as well. Statistics Canadian nurses certification total number Employer firm revenue of residential care and nursing facilities by tax category Canadian workforce in registered nursing by age group Canadian workforce distribution in registered nursing by age U. Topics Nurses in the U. Hospitals in the U. S Physicians Nursing homes in the U. Learn more about how Statista can support your business.