Is it possible to save trish in infamous

Later, Trish asked for Cole's assistance in escorting her armored bus to the Bayview Hospital because the Reapers believed her to be allied with the Dust Men. When they arrived at the hospital however, Alden Tate was waiting for them.

Using his telekinesis , Alden lifted the bus with Trish still inside, and threw it onto the roof of the hospital. Cole battled through dozens of Dust Men as he raced to the top of the building to rescue her. Immediately after saving her, Trish told Cole that she wanted to forgive him, because she knew he wasn't responsible for Amy's death.

This was a major turning point in Trish's attitude towards Cole. I buried her in the park, alongside others who'd died since the Blast. Trish was later kidnapped by Kessler. Suspending her from a building, Kessler gave Cole a choice; he could either save six doctors, or save Trish.

In the end, however, Cole chose to save the doctors for the greater good, at the cost of Trish's life. Cole was only able to bring her back to life for a few more moments for Trish to tell him that she was proud of his actions and choices for the city, and was happy to see all the good he had done. Cole then proceeded to bury her in Memorial Park , in the Historic District , and swore revenge against Kessler for her death.

Cole continued to grieve over Trish's death, regretting his inability to save her weeks prior. Cole vowed to kill the remaining members of the First. Sons, as they played a huge part in her death under their allegiance with Kessler. Ask Question. Asked 9 years, 9 months ago. Active 9 years, 9 months ago. Viewed 8k times.

Improve this question. Yuck Yuck 2, 23 23 gold badges 53 53 silver badges 77 77 bronze badges. This is a "needs of the many" vs "needs of the few" moment - saving your girl is the bad karma choice : — agent BTW I'm still new here and not sure how to hide some of the detail as a spoiler.

Although the title itself is kind of a giveaway Spoiler text is covered in this meta post. I always forget the markdown for it though As Cole reaches the top of the building, he learns that Kessler had replaced Trish with another woman, and placed Trish in the group of doctors on the other building.

Whatever Cole's decision is, Trish falls to her death, and with his powers , Cole is able to revive her for just a few moments, and depending on his karmic alignment- she will tell him one of two things;. Good karma : Trish tells Cole that she is proud of his actions and the choices he made for the city, and was happy to see all the good he had done and she loved him for it. Evil karma : In Trish's final moments, she says she is ashamed of what he had become, finally dying despising Cole.

Infamous Wiki Explore. Infamous Story missions Good side missions Neutral side missions Evil side missions.

Story missions Good side missions Neutral side missions Evil side missions. Story missions. Trish dying? I didn't understand how Trish died when I tried to save her. I mean, the woman said she had no idea who Trish was, but in the cutscene it said she was falling. I don't get it.

User Info: Ooblarg. Accepted Answer. It doesn't matter what you do, Trish will always die.


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