What is the difference between influenza type a and type b
The newer drug, baloxavir marboxil works by reducing the ability of the virus to replicate. These antiviral medications are most effective when started within the first 48 hours of your illness. Over-the-counter medications can be taken to relieve nasal congestion, fever, and aches and pains. Getting lots of rest, eating a healthy diet, and drinking plenty of fluids helps your body fight the virus as well.
An uncomplicated infection with either influenza A or influenza B can cause symptoms that last around one week. Some people may still have a cough or feel fatigued after two weeks. Some influenza A subtypes can cause more severe disease than others.
For example, in the recent past influenza A H3N2 viruses have been associated with more hospitalizations and deaths in children and the elderly than in other age groups, according to the CDC. In the past, it was thought that infection with influenza A was more severe than infection with influenza B. However, a study in adults with influenza A and influenza B found they both resulted in similar rates of illness and death. Additionally, in a Canadian study looking at children 16 years old and younger, influenza B infection was associated with a higher risk for mortality than influenza A.
Influenza C is regarded as the least serious of the three types that humans can get. It typically produces a mild respiratory illness in adults. The CDC estimates that each year, from to , influenza infection resulted in between 9. Data for the to influenza season indicates that Among hospitalizations, The seasonal flu vaccine is developed many months in advance of flu season. The viruses selected for the vaccine are based on research into which strains will likely be most common.
Sometimes the circulating influenza viruses can mutate from one season to the next. Since experts must select the viruses to include in the vaccine months before flu season, there may not be a good match between the vaccine and the circulating viruses.
This can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the vaccine. But even when this happens, the vaccine still offers some protection. A quadrivalent vaccine protects against the same three viruses as the trivalent vaccine plus protection against an additional influenza B virus. Influenza types A, B, and C can cause illness in humans. But types A and B cause seasonal epidemics of respiratory illness nearly every year. Influenza A typically causes the majority of illnesses during flu season.
Strains of influenza B are exclusively contracted by humans, while A can be carried and spread by animals, however, both strains are transmitted mainly by respiratory droplets from coughing and contact with an infected person.
This allows strains of A to be spread more rapidly than B, while also meaning strains of B cannot cause pandemics with symptoms likely less severe.
Flu shots protect against both strains of influenza. Tong said. The McLarenNow virtual visit app allows you to see a McLaren provider when you need it from the comfort of your own home.
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What's the difference between H1N1 flu and influenza A? Products and services. Free E-newsletter Subscribe to Housecall Our general interest e-newsletter keeps you up to date on a wide variety of health topics.
Sign up now. Answer From Pritish K. Tosh, M. Show references Types of influenza viruses. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed Aug.