What kind of snowboard to get
You may have your own personal preferences when it comes to camber profiles, shapes, flex, side-cuts, brands etc but these are things you learn as you ride.
Get the style, ability, width and length of board within an appropriate range and you will have a board that will perform extremely well for you on the mountain. Just click the link below and select the appropriate category — e. Get the 7 step email series plus other relevant snowboarding emails, review releases, promotions, and information from time to time.
We take your privacy seriously. No spam. See our privacy policy here. Nate is passionate about and loves learning new things everyday about snowboarding, particularly the technical aspects of snowboarding gear. That, and becoming a better rider and just enjoying and getting the most out of life. We live pretty close to the French Alps… maybe not the best place to start for a novice! Thanks for the inspiration snowboarding profiles!
Glad that I have been able to inspire you into snowboarding. Sounds like a great place to start to me. This answered a lot of questions in my mind!
This is a great post! I used to snowboard years ago but I wish I had a resource like this back when I bought my first board. Will definitely keep this in mind before I buy my next! Hi Kira. Appreciate the feedback! Definitely come back if you are in the market for a new board. Will be posting a more complete detailed process for choosing the right board shortly.
Hey Luis. Yeah I found it really overwhelming when I bought my first board. I am pretty fussy but I think it really makes a difference when you get the right fit. Also putting together a more detailed process for choosing a board so keep your eye out for that one. Thanks for the comments! This is very valuable information.
You look professional on this subject…Thank you so much. Thanks for explaining it all, this helps in knowing what would be good to get with those little extra tips as well. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. More Details.
Just one more thing to do. Simply go to your inbox and you will find an email:. Simply click the "Confirm My Email" link in that email to confirm your email address. Getting the proper setup for your board requires the right stance, bindings, and boots.
Your stance is how you stand on your board and there are 2 types of stances to choose from, either a Regular Stance or a Goofy Stance. You can also position yourself to do a cartwheel. Pay attention to which foot is in front. Whichever foot you put forward is most likely the best foot to have forward on your snowboard. When it comes to Stance Width, taller riders have a wider stance and smaller riders have a more narrow stance.
Your stance is where you feel most comfortable and in control of your board, without having your feet too close together or far apart. If you are unsure, a good starting point is to measure your shoulder width and adjust your stance width to that. There are 5 ways to position your feet on the board for a proper binding set up:. There are 3 types of binding preferences:.
The softer your base, the more flexibility you have making it great for freestyle riding. Just like with your bindings, there are stiffer and softer boots. And, just like with your bindings, they are stiffer or softer for the same reasons.
The best boot for you has your toes right at the end without any pressure points. These add to the durability and performance of a Never Summer snowboard. The sidecut radius measures the radius of the side of the board and can change the angle of your turns. There are 3 types of sidecuts:. The effective edge is the length of the edge in contact with the snow and changes how long you can ride for.
There are 2 types of effective edges:. Before we discuss the tip and tail of your board, we need to talk about taper. Taper is the difference between the width of the tip and tail of your board and this changes how your board floats in powder.
More taper makes the tip of your board float better in powder by driving the trail down. Basically your tip and tail are going to impact how your board interacts with the snow underneath it. Your tip and tail can also be low profile, blunted or early rise. An early rise tip increases the upturn of the nose of the board to add to powder floatation and glide in wet, slushy snow conditions. Daily drivers are the boards you can bring with you to do pretty much anything on the mountain.. These are the best boards for all-mountain riders.
Quiver boards are more specific to different conditions and style preferences. Email info neversummer. Ready to pick the right snowboard for your body size and riding style? You just need to know: What type of board to get The best shape and flex The ideal profile The length and width specific to your body How to get your board properly set up Board features impacting performance Quiver boards vs.
Quiver Boards. Snowboard Shapes and Flex. True Twin Tip and tail are the same shape Centered Mounting inserts, bindings can be mounted so you have an equal amount of nose and tail. Identical flex in both nose and tail Directional Twin Specific to Shaper : Tip and tail are the same shape Centered Stance Tapered Tip to Tail: The tip is wider than the tail Fusion Profile: There is more rocker under front binding and more camber under back.
Snowboard Profiles. Rocker boards also have an upward turned tip and tail, but the middle of the board does touch the ground. Original Rocker Camber The OG Rocker Camber has a camber tip and tail, which means the tip and tail of the board are each turned upward.
Ripsaw Rocker Camber The Ripsaw Rocker Camber profile has deeper camber pockets on the tip and tail for enhanced edge hold, response, stability, precision, and pop, while featuring the same rocker section between the feet as the Original Rocker Camber.
Triple Camber Game changing innovation. The Proper Stance Setup Your stance is how you stand on your board and there are 2 types of stances to choose from, either a Regular Stance or a Goofy Stance. If you are past the beginner phase then chances are you have some preferences to how you like to ride.
Check out the links below to see what specs to look out for for each type of board once you have decided on the type of board you want to go with. A lot of people want to get a board that will last them forever so they buy a more advanced board thinking they can grow into it — this is a big mistake. It would just be too difficult to learn in. So it is a cost effective way to do things too.
Your physical characteristics, mostly your height, weight and foot size — will determine the size of snowboard that is most suitable for you. The conditions you ride in will also influence your choice of snowboard. If you tend to ride on a mountain that has slow concrete like snow then having edge-hold tech that gives you great grip in icy conditions is unnecessary.
But you will want to have a setback stance and most likely a fast base. If you tend to ride in icy conditions then you will want edges that grip well. In that case you might want to get a board with some kind of edge tech like magne-traction.
Most likely you will get a mixture of conditions and most snowboards accommodate for that — but if you do ride a mountain that has particular conditions then this is also something that should be factored into your snowboard choice. I hope this post, and relevant links, has helped you to understand the type of snowboard that will be best suited to you.
This can seem complicated at first but once you start looking into it and doing a bit of research it starts to make a lot more sense. Get the 7 step email series plus other relevant snowboarding emails, review releases, promotions, and information from time to time. We take your privacy seriously.