When is katniss everdeens birthday

Not stopping there, she returned in the 75th Hunger Games as a Quarter Quell Tribute and shook the very roots of the tyrannical government. After the death of President Snow, and a new democratic government in the process of being established, Katniss returned to District You can read more about Katniss here in detail! You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. As a result, Katniss essentially took over as head of the family, who would have starved without her hunting and signing up for tesserae rations.

While there wasn't outright hatred between them, Katniss never completely forgave her mother for her weakness. After she volunteered as tribute in Prim's place, Katniss harshly reminded her mother that whatever happened in the arena, she could not check out again and leave Prim on her own. Following her victory in the 74th Hunger Games, the relationship between them improved; Katniss began to be less harsh with her mother, as well as see things from her mother's point of view. After Ms. Everdeen was able to save Gale following his flogging, Katniss grew to appreciate her mother's healing skills in a new way.

When the Third Quarter Quell was announced, and it was obvious that Katniss would be reaped again, Ms. Everdeen helped her and Peeta prepare for the games, putting them on a special diet to gain strength and weight. Katniss and Madge were often paired together in school due to having no one else.

Before Katniss leaves for the Games, Madge gives her a pin with a mockingjay on it, belonging to her and originally her aunt, Maysilee Donner who was killed in the 50th Hunger Games, to remind her of home. By Catching Fire, they become close friends. Katniss teaches Madge how to shoot arrows while Madge plays piano in return.

Madge dies when District 12 is bombed and Katniss shows deep sadness over her death. The only reason at first that Haymitch decided to help Peeta and Katniss was because he finally got a pair of fighters that year since both assault him after he doesn't attempt to help them.

Both didn't like each other at first, especially during Training when Haymitch says that Katniss has the personality of a dead slug, but in the arena, Peeta says that Haymitch and Katniss only hate each other because they're so alike. To add, Haymitch decides to help Katniss out over Peeta because of the fact that Peeta was already determined to help Katniss out. Throughout the 74th Games, Haymitch sends or doesn't supplies to Katniss to inform her about something happening or send her a message.

Haymitch and Katniss both get drunk after the reading of the card, which results in Peeta dumping all the alcohol down the drain. Katniss defends Haymitch, saying that she'll get some back. At the end of the Games, Haymitch explains what he was trying to do in the arena and tells her that Peeta was captured, and Katniss scratches his face with anger. Haymitch continues to mentor Katniss despite the end of the Games. After Peeta's captured, Katniss rejects Haymitch because she blames him for his capture.

When Katniss rips her earpiece out, Haymitch scolds her and threatens her to have an implant instead, but in a large contrast, Katniss also goes to Haymitch for comfort. Katniss could not say that Thirteen was well and her too, so she starts to cry, knowing that she'll be hurting Peeta even more, so she turns to Haymitch because she knows he loves Peeta too. She sobs into his shirt, crying about Peeta and the rebellion while he holds her, saying that he understands just before she is knocked out.

Haymitch also tries to protect Katniss from knowing Gale left to rescue Peeta the next day. Katniss tries to talk to him about Prim's death too, but accidentally rejects her because of his drunken state. Later, Katniss, Peeta, and Haymitch begin to mend back together and Haymitch contributes the kids he had to mentor for the Games for Katniss's plant book.

Effie Trinket was Katniss's escort for the 74th and 75th Hunger Games. Upon first meeting them, Effie annoyed Katniss in the first Games by saying the previous year's tributes were 'savages. Effie was all about dresses and looks, but she cried once or twice. Effie was thrilled when she survived the first Games. At the reaping of the 75th Hunger Games , Effie is seen crying for Katniss and Peeta when they are reaped, showing how much she cares for them.

During the preparation for the Quarter Quell, Effie let Katniss make more of her own choices. Katniss felt bad she could not say goodbye and told Haymitch to tell her that she said goodbye. Katniss is shocked when Effie arrived before Snow's trial because she had been on the rebellion side.

Katniss then realizes she does care for Effie. Cinna was Katniss' stylist for the Games and is said to be the only person she "really trusts". She is shocked by how normal he seemed. Cinna consoles her before she enters the arena and says that he is not supposed to, but if he could, he'd bet on her.

Katniss finds confidence in his words and thinks that maybe she should really try to win. In her victor's house, there is a phone which had no use before she started to chat with Cinna about her talent. Since the only thing she was good at was hunting, Cinna suggested fashion designing. He took care of everything for her, including creating a book of sketches that she could show to the cameras. Cinna designed many things for her, including her opening ceremony garment which sparked his theme.

Katniss feared for his safety before the Quarter Quell and as Katniss is in her glass cylinder, about to launch, the Peacekeepers enter and beat Cinna unconscious. This act causes Katniss to unhinge for a point, fretting that they will kill him for his design of her wedding dress. They drag him away and he is killed during interrogation. Katniss suspects this was just to throw her off guard. Cinna had already designed her mockingjay uniform, knowing there would be a war. His last message to Katniss is written under a sketch of her pin: "I'm still betting on you.

Rue and Katniss have a loving relationship. Katniss meets Rue in the training center. Rue reminds her of Prim , because of her age and size. When Katniss is in a tree, held captive by the Careers, Rue helps her escape. Katniss also saw Rue when she stole Cato's knife, which caused Cato to attack another tribute.

Rue trusted Katniss when she saw that Katniss was wearing a mockingjay pin. After Katniss left Rue alone to blow up the Career tributes' supplies, Rue fell into Marvel's trap and was stabbed speared in the movies before Katniss could save her and then Katniss killed Marvel. Rue begged Katniss to win for her, and then asked her to sing as she died. Katniss then covered Rue's body with flowers and gives the farewell symbol to District This was believed to be a sign of rebellion.

She feels her promise to win for Rue more important than her promise to win for Prim. Katniss continues to feel Rue with her. Katniss remembers Rue's death, which gives her motivation to go on.

Katniss continues to think of Rue and involves her in the book of people she cared about who were killed because of the Capitol. It is believed that Marvel dies before Rue because Katniss shot an arrow in his throat book heart film causing him to die instantly.

In Catching Fire , while in Peeta's private session, Peeta painted a picture of Rue covered in flowers. Katniss first met Finnick at the opening ceremonies for the Quarter Quell while waiting for the chariots to leave Finnick approaches Katniss and offers her sugar.

Katniss remains calm and composed although she feels a little uncomfortable by how close he gets to her and even more so when Finnick implies people pay him with secrets and asks Katniss if she has any secrets worth his time. However, Katniss doesn't break his gaze and simply says she is an open book.

During the three days of training, Finnick continues to be friendly to Katniss when talking to her and even offers to give her an hour of trident lessons in exchange for Katniss giving him an hour of archery instruction. At the beginning of the 3rd Quarter Quell , Finnick Odair startled Katniss with his proposal for an alliance. She was unsure of how to react, but accepted his offer after she noticed his golden bracelet that she knew came from Haymitch.

Still not fully trusting him, Katniss remained extremely wary of his every move. However, he proved his usefulness and reliability by reviving Peeta when he accidentally ran into a force field, and saved Peeta in the midst of a fight even though it meant he got wounded himself. At the beginning of Mockingjay, Finnick was deeply distressed and unable to focus on anything but saving Annie Cresta , who had been kidnapped and was being tortured in the Capitol.

One of the ways he kept himself sane was by making knots with a rope, over and over again. He later gave that same rope to Katniss to aid her during the bombing of District Soon, after talking to Katniss before Boggs came, Katniss mentions the trident Beetee made for him and to put on pants, in wear he jokingly whips his hospital gown off revealing only his underwear and jokes to Katniss if she found it distracting, to which she smiles, hinting that she was glad that Finnick could at least joke around.

Katniss starts to realize Finnick's problems through the last few years and how he describes what President Snow did to him. While on the mission to President Snow's mansion, the group was attacked by lizard mutations, and Finnick was decapitated before Katniss could rescue him. As Finnick died, Katniss witnesses brief moments of his life, including a silver parachute bearing the trident that won him his Games, Mags' laugh, his life on the seas of District 4, and Annie's face.

When they first met, both Johanna and Katniss had a strong dislike for each other due to Johanna stripping in the elevator in front of her, Peeta , and Haymitch. However, once inside the arena the two were thrown together into an alliance set up by Haymitch and the rebels of District Even though the two were now allies, they still didn't trust each other. Katniss believes one of them will kill the other. During the escape from the arena at the end of the Games, Johanna attacked Katniss to remove a tracking device from her arm.

Katniss eventually realized what Johanna had done and warmed up to her. After being rescued from the Capitol, Johanna and Katniss start to become friends. Johanna , knowing that Katniss is indebted to her, begins to siphon off Katniss's morphling supply.

As a result of the time spent together in the hospital, the two grow closer and eventually become friends. Once they are released from the hospital, Johanna and Katniss willingly move into a compartment in District 13 together, proving their friendship. They train together to become part of a squad which would enable them to fight for the rebellion against the Capitol. Johanna, however, doesn't make it through the final test and has to stay behind while Katniss leaves for the Capitol.

Before Katniss's departure, she visits Johanna in the hospital. There, Johanna makes her swear to kill Snow to make him pay for everything he has done. During the feast, Thresh saved Katniss from being killed by Clove. Katniss was shocked at his sudden appearance.

After Thresh avenged Rue's death by crushing Clove's skull, he asked Katniss in a gentle way about Rue. Thresh was touched that Katniss took care of Rue and tried to protect her from the other tributes and felt that he owed her. He spared Katniss's life and told her to run as Cato would be there soon, as he had heard Clove's screams before she died. He said that he would only save her that time, for Rue, which means that she loved her like his little sister. Thresh also took Cato's backpack, as it would force Cato to chase him instead of Katniss, allowing her to escape.

This act may have resulted in Thresh's death, which shocked and saddened Katniss, as she liked him and wanted him to win if she or Peeta did not. During the Victory Tour , Katniss honored Thresh by including him in her speech. She stated that she didn't know him, but deeply respected him for his strength and his refusal to play the Game on anyone's grounds but his own.

Katniss also thanks Thresh for sparing her life. Katniss became friends with Mags and admired her bravery and selflessness. Katniss watched as Mags displayed her skill of being able to make fishhooks out of nearly anything. This skill, plus the fact that she volunteered to take Annie Cresta's place, made Katniss want Mags to be one of her allies in the arena.

Although Haymitch and Cinna had expectations for Peeta and Katniss to join forces in the Hunger Games, the two did not comply. Peeta ended up in a brief alliance with the Career Tributes , while Katniss teamed up with Rue , the small tribute from District Katniss had not made an attempt to form an alliance with Peeta until finding out that if both tributes from the same district are the last two alive, they can both win. After hearing the news, she finally attempts to find and form an alliance with Peeta , even though she knows he is severely injured.

Rue, being the smallest tribute, was also the most vulnerable. She reminded Katniss of Prim, who was also small and fragile. Against her better judgment, Katniss allied with Rue. Rue completely trusted Katniss, handing over her life and loyalties to her, because she had the mockingjay pin Madge gave her which reminded Rue of home.

The two formed a bond during the 74th Hunger Games, both driven by their determination to live. Katniss came up with a plan to destroy the Career tributes food, which ended up successful. However, Rue was captured in a net as she was heading to the designated third clearing to start the fire. Katniss arrived just in time to see Marvel spear Rue in the abdomen.

She fires an arrow into his neck and he dies. Katniss stayed with Rue until she died, singing her a lullaby. Of course, Katniss sang a song that her father taught her and sang it to Rue. Out of vengeance over the unjustified death of an innocent girl, Katniss surrounds Rue's corpse with bright flowers and departs with one last gesture; the District 12 signal that shows respect and farewell.

The Capitol edits this part from the games, as a result. Every call of a mockingjay reminds Katniss of Rue. In the feast, she told Thresh what was the outcome of Rue and how she was Rue's ally to get it off her conscience as she thought Thresh was about to slaughter Katniss after Clove.

In Catching Fire , as a result of Katniss's grief, Peeta paints a picture of Rue buried in flowers during his private session with the Game-makers, staging his own small rebellion and proving his refusal to play by the Capitol's rules.

Peeta had originally joined with the Career Tributes , but this was just an act to protect Katniss and lead the Careers farther away from her. Having a not-so-secret crush on Katniss put him in the mind frame of protecting Katniss at all costs. Eventually, he fights Cato , the leader of the Careers, in order for Katniss to escape, and he is wounded terribly. Near the end of the Games, Claudius Templesmith informs the remaining six tributes that there can be two winning victors for that year, provided that they are both from the same district.

Katniss rushes to form an alliance with Peeta, who's still wounded. The two of them are an inseparable pair from then on. Since Cinna, Haymitch, and Portia worked so hard to play up the romance from the start, Katniss tries to pretend to be fully in love with him. They keep this up until the end of the Games, after Cato has died and they are the only remaining tributes.

Claudius Templesmith then again informs the two over a loudspeaker that there may only be one victor for the 74th Hunger Games, leaving the two together in the arena to fight each other to the death.

Peeta begs for Katniss to kill him, willing to lay down his life for hers, but Katniss thinks of a way to let them both die together. Collecting nightlock poisonous berries , she instructs Peeta to eat a handful of berries with her once she reaches the count of three in a double suicide.

She does so under the pretense that she wishes the two lovers will never be separated, but by death, when really she suspects that rather than have no victor, the Capitol will allow them both to live. The Head Gamemaker , Seneca Crane , is shocked and desperate at the prospect of losing the remaining tributes, and so it is announced that the Games are concluded and both are victors of the 74th Games. In the Epilogue of the final book "Mockingjay", Katniss and Peeta are married and have two children, a boy and a girl.

During the 74th Hunger Games , Katniss killed Glimmer , the female tribute from District 1 , and the female tribute from District 4 by dropping a tracker jacker hive on them while they slept.

The two received many stings, which resulted in death. Her next kill was Marvel , the male tribute from District 1 , who drowned in his own blood after Katniss shot him in the neck after he threw a spear into Rue's stomach. During the final fight between Katniss, Peeta , and Cato the male tribute from District 2 Cato was mortally wounded by muttations.

Katniss killed him by shooting an arrow at his neck, as an act of mercy. After joining the rebellion, Katniss and Gale shoot down several Capitol bombers during an air raid on District 8.

Katniss has long black hair, which she normally pulls back into a long braid, olive skin, and gray eyes. After the fire in the 74th Hunger Games, after her time in the arena, her hair turned at least six inches short, it is an unknown if it was grown back - though most likely it was after her full body fix in the Capitol.

She is small in stature and thin for her age as she was generally malnourished because of her district's poverty. She is thus one of the smallest tributes in her Games, but due to her outdoor life, she is strong for her size. She is also known as "The Girl on Fire" during the Hunger Games; she earns this title from her fierce personality and the outfits created for her by her stylist, Cinna.

Katniss is not very image-conscious, to the dismay of Venia , one of her stylists. In the first book, her hearing in her left ear is destroyed because of the explosion caused in the arena, but it is fixed in the Capitol in the end, as are all of her other major and more minor injuries including the erasing of any scars from her years of hunting.

Before entering the arena the first time, Katniss had many minor scrapes and cuts, and her outward appearance was very much imperfect. However, after she won, they were repaired by the Capitol doctors, including replacing the hearing in her left ear.

Most notable about her appearance and demeanor, however, was the image she unconsciously projected, as noted by her co-tribute Peeta. In Peeta's interview, he says that a lot of boys like Katniss when asked if he likes anyone at home. In The Hunger Games , Katniss wore worn-out clothes with hunting boots, and sometimes wore her father's old hunting coat. During the reaping, she wore her mother's blue dress. At the parade in the capitol, she wore the costume that Cinna made that gave her the name "The Girl on Fire.

He keeps the theme by designing Katniss's interview dress, a gown made completely of precious jewels in flame colors, reflecting the lighting to make her look like she is "engulfed in flames. She also wears her Mockingjay pin. Cinna also designs her Victor dress, keeping the theme of fire, yet toning it down to candlelight to symbolize innocence other than the fiery spirit for which the theme was first created. In Catching Fire , she wore many dresses due to the victory tour held six months after the games are over.

The outfit Cinna designs for the first day of the Victory Tour Katniss describes as, "Flowing black pants made of a thick, warm material. A comfortable white shirt. A sweater woven from green and blue and gray strands of kitten-soft wool.

Laced leather boots that don't pinch my toes. The outfit Katniss wears in District 11 is described as "a pretty orange frock patterned with autumn leaves. One is described by Katniss as pale pink and strapless. Another is described by Johanna Mason as a dark blue velvet number. After Katniss accepted Peeta's proposal during the Victory Tour stop at the Capitol, Cinna designed a set of wedding dresses. The Capitol audience voted on the finalists to select the one that would have been used for the wedding.

Katniss describes the winner as having sleeves that touch the floor and lots and lots of pearls. Every victor wore a blue jumpsuit, and a belt that was also a flotation device. The belt was filled with a thick, purple, liquid. Katniss also wore her Mockingjay pin. In Mockingjay , she wore a plain grey shirt and pants since all residents of District 13 wear this. Cinna had designed a uniform for Katniss to wear for her role as the mockingjay. The uniform was black body armor.

It had a helmet that can turn into a hood, a chest plate to protect vital organs and had special reinforcements over her heart, short sleeves that reach to her elbows, and white folds under her arms.

She had hidden weapons in her boots and belt. Katniss wears a bloody bandage to cover the scar on her left arm that Johanna Mason gave her when she cut her tracker out during the 75th Hunger Games. She also wears her Mockingjay pin over her heart. It's also said in the book after the explosion in Capitol where her sister died, that some of her hair was burned off.

Her Mockingjay suit is red, symbolizing the rebellion and the revolution. Katniss has strong and independent survivalist instincts due to her difficult past and is good at thinking outside the box.

She is not socially adept and has a hard time making friends due to the emotional strain on her life which has made her hard and cold. She is more concerned about feeding her family than being social, making her awkward around people. Though Katniss can be rather blunt, misanthropic, sarcastic, bitingly cynical, and cold, she has a very vulnerable side which she only shows around her family, and she has a natural maternal instinct as showed when she comforted Prim and helped Rue.

She is not very good at acting for the camera and comes across best when she is herself. She is usually very logical except for times when her emotions get in the way. Katniss has a habit of biting her nails when she is nervous or anxious and must consciously stop herself from doing so when around others. After she became a victor she could not think of a good reason to break the habit.

However, after joining the rebellion she appears to have stopped biting her nails as she does not mention doing so. Katniss is very strong, stubborn, and determined. Often, she will react first and ask questions later. She will do anything to survive. Even when she allied with Rue , she said she hoped that she didn't have to be the one to kill her. Yet when it came to Peeta , she tried her best to figure a way for them both to survive. This independent streak did not go well in the regimented confines of District 13 and Katniss largely did what she wanted and ignored her daily schedule.

She had to discipline herself to undergo military training in order to prove that she could be sent into combat, and her unwillingness to take orders was perceived as her greatest weakness. This was targeted during her individual exam, but she was able to realize this and pass. Even though she can sometimes be a bit self-centered and self-reliant, she does have noble traits, protecting those she loves. For example, caring for Prim, looking out for Rue, and ending Cato's life mercifully even though he caused her so much pain or when she shields Gale to keep him from being whipped, even when it means a lash for herself.

Katniss has an instinct to protect those who are weak such as Rue, Wiress, and her prep team. Unlike her younger sister, she is not a natural born healer. She once ran from the house in fright while Prim and her mother cared for a dying man. She even had trouble healing Peeta, being squeamish, and reluctant to care for him unclothed.

Instead, she is more like her father, being skilled at hunting and gathering. Similar to her father, Katniss had a rebellious streak. She was a fiercely determined and resourceful fighter and was reasonably easy to underestimate. Due to this, she was almost always in disagreement with authority figures and liked to use her own resources when it came to survival the instincts of a true survivor. Katniss was loyal to no one and had issues when it came to trusting others, but this grew to be her one of her greatest strengths.

In Mockingjay , it is shown that Katniss dislikes being a "pawn" and hates having the weight of Panem on her shoulders. Katniss had her hunting jacket and bow and arrows given by her father. Katniss received a gold mockingjay pin, which was given to her by her friend, Madge Undersee. After she wins the Games, it becomes a symbol of rebellion for the districts against the Capitol, and a symbol of Katniss herself, as her actions were never meant to exist.

However, many ignorant Capitol citizens. Katniss also has a family plant book containing names of known plants which is an important possession. Katniss also receives from Peeta a pearl along with a gold locket engraved with a mockingjay, containing a picture of her mother, her sister Prim, and Gale during the Quarter Quell in Catching Fire.

She is later seen throughout Mockingjay keeping the pearl close to her as a prized possession. In Mockingjay Katniss receives a bow and arrows from Beetee. They have mechanical properties and can be voice-activated. Katniss' only family is her sister Primrose Everdeen and her mother, Mrs.

Her father died in a mine explosion. Katniss would do anything to protect Prim short for Primrose , even if it means her own death. Her mother suffered extreme depression after the death of her husband, Katniss' father, leaving Katniss to become the head of the family, despite her young age. Everdeen is a skilled healer, and Prim is something of an assistant. Gale Hawthorne and his family are like family for her. In Catching Fire , it is revealed that during the Hunger Games, Gale was presented to the Capitol media as Katniss' cousin, in order to be interviewed about her without detracting from the romance which Katniss and Peeta were presenting to survive the arena.

After the 74th Hunger Games conclude, President Snow threatens Katniss with Gale's life if she does not perpetuate this lie, and so she does. As part of this sham romance, Peeta and Katniss become engaged, and Peeta tells a TV interviewer that Katniss is pregnant. It is revealed early in Catching Fire that Gale loves Katniss.

Even though her father is dead, she still misses him dearly. With the possible exception of Prim, there was no one Katniss loved more than her father. He taught her to hunt, swim, and live off the wild, skills that served her well during the games. Katniss inherits a beautiful singing voice from her father, shown when either of them sing the mockingjays stop to listen.

He taught her many songs such as " The Hanging Tree " and the lullaby Katniss sang to Rue as she died. But after her father's death, singing reminds her too much of her father so she only does it rarely.

When Katniss's mom heard Katniss singing "The Hanging Tree" she yelled at him for teaching her that, and tells Katniss to forget the song. Katniss runs away to the hideout and of course, because she was told to forget the song, she distinctly remembers it. She remembers it a lot, especially after her father's death. Katniss sings the "Hanging Tree" once to Pollux when he wanted her to sing for the mockingjays and a few other times throughout the book Mockingjay.

Katniss sings the Meadow Song to her two children, and many times throughout the series. The rebellion drives Katniss's family apart. Prim's death in a bombing devastates Katniss. The trauma leaves her a "mental Avox," unable to speak until her encounter with Snow after his imprisonment.

Her mother leaves District 12 permanently, taking a position in District 4 to build a hospital. Katniss returns home with Haymitch, where she finds that Peeta has also returned, yet Gale has not. Katniss and Peeta rely on each other while recuperating from the war, and rebuild their relationship. Several years after the end of the rebellion in the epilogue to Mockingjay Katniss and Peeta start a family together.

It is assumed they wed. Katniss mentions that Peeta wanted to complete their family with kids. Of their children, their first is a girl, who has black hair like her mother, and blue eyes like her father the second is a boy, with blond hair like his father, and grey eyes like his mother.

Their daughter is older than her brother because her brother was still a toddler. Their daughter is old enough to understand that Peeta and Katniss played a role in the Hunger Games but their son is too young. The Katniss plant is also known as "arrowhead" and belongs to the genus Sagittaria. It is both ornamental and useful. The first was a reference to her spectacular costume during the chariot ride before her first games and her dresses. The second was because of her district token, a gold mockingjay pin, which came to stand for the rebellion.

Both names originated from something she wore. On March 16, , it was announced that Oscar nominee, Jennifer Lawrence of the indie film Winter's Bone had landed the coveted role. Ross described Lawrence as having "an incredible amount of self-assuredness, you got the sense that this girl knew exactly who she was. And then she came in and read for me and just knocked me out; I'd never seen an audition like that before in my life. It was one of those things where you just glimpse your whole movie in front of you.

She added that Lawrence was the "only one who truly captured the character I wrote in the book," and that she had "every essential quality necessary to play Katniss. The Hunger Games Wiki Explore. Victors Gamemaker Rebels The Covey. Songs Songs from District Hunger Games film.

Panem The Capitol Academy University. District 1 District 2 District 4. Songbirds and Snakes portal Policy Blog policy Image policy. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Katniss Everdeen. Not only are these pint-sized killbombs an effective way to defend one's District against Capitol incursions, but they make hunting a snap when you don't feel like killing off your prey one arrow at a time.

Speaking of fire: Katniss could probably use a fashionable cover-up to camouflage those nasty burn scars. Classy Appalachian ladies know the importance of having the latest issue of this below-the-Mason-Dixon lifestyle magazine on hand Nerve gas grenades Not only are these pint-sized killbombs an effective way to defend one's District against Capitol incursions, but they make hunting a snap when you don't feel like killing off your prey one arrow at a time.

A fire extinguisher What to get for the Girl on Fire who has everything?


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