Who is ann kiemel
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Like this: Like Loading Cancel reply Enter your comment here I lost track of her. Then, a year or two ago, I found she had written a new book about her unhappy childhood, her difficult marriage, and her addiction to pain pills. She wrote about the bitter tensions and screaming fights between her controlling pastor father and her rebellious older brother, and the sense of fear and insecurity it gave her.
She wrote about losing her virginity to a married man at the height of her writing career. She wrote about the miseries of miscarriages and fertility treatments, and her unhappiness with her too-controlling and insenstivie husband.
She coped with opiates. All those years she was raising four boys, she was popping pills to keep up the front of happy, smiling Christian mother and evangelist. But, through it all, her faith was still alive. So was her intention to love and serve God with her whole being, every hour of every day. And now she was writing from a new depth of honesty and pain. To contact us or to submit an article, click here. Get Charisma's best content delivered right to your inbox! Never miss a big news story again.
Click here to subscribe to the Charisma News newsletter. Five ways to deepen your relationship with God, increase your faith and save money! You inspired me. I even started to write in all lower case letters which got me in trouble with my English teacher at school. To share Jesus with everyone I met and change my world. From the age of I delivered newspapers from door-to-door after school. One of my neighbors was going through a particularly hard time - I could hear the yelling in the home as I dropped the paper in front of her door.
I didn't know how to help her, so I baked her cookies and left them at her door with a note. I don't remember what that note said, but years later she told my mother that my act of kindness had saved her. She had received Jesus into her life. I'm sure you hear story after story like this, but your books and your life have gone way beyond what you can imagine. We have lived here for 21 years. To be honest, I haven't thought of you since I was a little girl, but I just happened across your facebook page, and from there, your website.
Thank you, Ann, for being obedient. Thank you for being strong. We'll meet in heaven some day and I'll come and introduce myself with a big hug. Hi Anne, I pray you are recovering quickly from your surgery! I'm writing to thank you for sharing your story, I heard your testimony on Focus on the family, radio - twice!
Once while trying to start a family over 3 years ago and once in June Your story had me in tears on both occasions my husband too as he listen with me the 2nd time Your trust in God is inspirational, as is the peace that so obviously surrounds you as you trust Him, it passes understanding BUT it is so real!
After struggling to trust Him and a journey through the darkest valley God has blessed me with two children, Miss 3 and Master 18 months. Not of my blood, nor of my womb but from the Father's amazing hand, who gives us more than what we could hope for or imagine. Still walking the trust journey as these little miracles are mine through an informal arrangement, for as long as God says they need me - He is good all the time and He does work it all out for our good as we surrender to Him and let Him weave beauty from our hearts ashes.
With His love and peace Amy. Ann, I was a new believer when I stumbled across your books over 20 years ago in the library of a Youth With A Mission base.
I was brought to tears the first time and nearly every time after that I read them. I had never heard anyone speak so simply and profoundly about Jesus. I must confess that I kept every one of them. Your love for people and "matter of fact" boldness in presenting the gospel inspired me and in many ways shaped the last 20 years of my ministry.
Many times I have read directly from your books during my sermons. Whether it be "You just can't stop love" or the story of taking the kid fishing in the ditch or letting the rambunctious kids come to your office on campus, the message is always the same: love people unconditionally and introduce them to the same Jesus who loves you in the midst of your mess.
This afternoon, completely out of the blue, I wondered, "What ever happened to Ann Kiemel? You see, Ann, now I am working for a Christian alcohol and drug treatment program called Road to Freedom.
We even have a special track for those addicted to pain meds. I'm so sorry to hear that you have been caught up in this bondage, but I am so glad that you are safe, seeking Jesus and getting help. I was just reading this last night, and I believe it is the Lord's encouragement to you today, "Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. My power works best in weakness. For when I am weak, then I am strong. I understand your struggle. You are not alone. And there is no shame in this part of your journey.
It is just another opportunity for His strength to be made perfect in your weakness. You continue to be an encouragement to many as you walk with Jesus through it all. Blessings, John Poitevent johnpoitevent gmail. Pages home about ann facebook and twitter videos by ann books by ann. Ann passed away on March 1,