How long does rogue legendary take
Eff you, Blizzard. This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine. More topics from this board Do you read the quest text? How do I get Pet's Hunter? Build 4 Answers How and where do you learn to use guns? Side Quest 9 Answers What is the quickest way? Main Quest 6 Answers Why can't I loot anything? General 7 Answers Where is the best place to level from ? Main Quest 8 Answers. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device.
Forgot your username or password? User Info: Darkseid Darkseid 9 years ago 1 I have seen complete listings of all the quest for the chain on sites like mmo-champion. But what actually 'starts' the chain? Is it a quest giver in the raid?
And item that you pick up in the raid? A mob you encounter in the raid? And if it is one of the above things, how far into the raid will you come across what kicks off the quest. I thought I remembered seeing something about it when the info first came out, but now that there is more info than ever about the quest chain, I can't find anything about actually starting it inside Dragon Soul. Your rogue character also needs to be at level 85 or higher to be able to use the appearance.
The quest chain for obtaining the Fangs of the Father is comprised of 13 quests…. The quest chain is comprised of the following quests:. Since man rogues acquire their clusters about twice as fast, it only takes them eight weeks. Sadly, daggers are one of the weapon types that can only transmog to itself. Players must complete a long questline and clear the Dragon Soul raid several times in order to receive this legendary item.
The quest starts from Lord Afrasastrasz at the entrance of the raid. You will need to use Pick Pocket on Hagara the Stormbinder boss to steal the special ring. After that, you will need to charge it for 12 hours no need to be online the whole time.
There will be a sequence of easy go-and-speak tasks and a cool stealth quest in Gilneas ruins. After that, you will receive Fear and Vengeance epic daggers. You will need to empower by collecting x Shadowy Gems from the Dragon Soul bosses. You're still not there yet!